Download our recent report to learn more about: To view or add a comment, sign in What can we offer to corporate sustainability due diligence work? Small-scale farmers and artisans in the developing world lack access to affordable financing, impeding their profitability. As with many other progressive social programs, the fair trade concept can be traced back to the personal initiatives of a few dedicated reformers with a social conscience. Consequently, Fair Trade USA has developed its own certification system that does not use the Fairtrade label, but rather designates products and producers with its own trademark: Fair Trade Certified.. It's tempting to assume that any product with a sticker including words such as "earth" or "fair" must be good for the environment and good for workers and probably helps grandmothers cross the street, too. Fair trade is meant to empower manufacturers and farmers in developing nations by providing them with privileged access to socially conscious consumers in the developed world.4. This needs to reflect a balance between protecting the environment and good business results. Corporations and their Social Responsibility, 6. They are often used by multi-national brands who cannot be fully fair trade but wish to improve some of their practices. One of the principal elements of the fair trade concept is the requirement that a portion of each cooperatives earnings must be invested locally in projects to benefit the farmers, e.g., building schools, hiring teachers, funding for womens empowerment groups, and/or investment in healthcare. July 2010, accessed Nov. 25, 2014, FTF members work directly with producers, cutting out middlemen, so they can keep products affordable for consumers and return a greater percentage of the price to the producers. Now, with Fair Trade Certified, I aim to scale market-driven impact . Fairtrade is a simple way to make a difference to the lives of the people who grow and create the things we love. Footnote 1 The appeal of fair trade is relative to unfair trade with other countries. Whenever possible Global Mamas uses local products such as the shea butter used in skin care products and the fabric used in batiking. In some cases the quality is actually higher because fair trade organizations factor in the environmental cost of production. Fairtrade certification bodies will suspend or decertify a producer organization or trader where major core requirements have not been upheld; however, overall the focus is on giving Fairtrade producers the opportunity to address problems and improve over time. In the fictional case that is the topic for this chapters debate, a small specialty coffee chain, known as World Coffee, Inc., is considering switching over to a 100% fair trade brew for its coffee and tea products. Who We Are, World Fair Trade Organization, accessed November 25, 2014, Global Mamas implemented an internal fair trade evaluation program for our producers, which includes interviews, site visits, and educational sessions to ensure producers understand and embrace all aspects of fair trade within their own enterprises. We also conduct extensive training on new product development and quality control. Globally, 1 in 4 women is engaged in agriculture. Technological advancements can help farmers in developing countries finish their work faster and allow them to complete more work in less time. To view or add a comment, sign in. By 1964, this had developed into the fair trade Organization, and in 1967, the Netherlands initiated its own cooperative, fair trade Original. Living wages vary widely between regions of the world and individual communities. We cant do it alone, which is why our partnership with Fairtrade is that much more important." FTF members buy products directly from producers and provide advance payment or pre-harvest financing. We also create robust business strategies for our partners by developing and designing commercial, retail and promotional food products from its origin. 7. This new policy means that Canada's oil, gas, power, steel, chemical, cement and other industries can increase production and their total emissions as long as the basic ratio of emissions to the unit of production (per barrel of oil, per kilowatt-hour) declines. In an effort to assist the country's growing oil industry and encourage economic growth, Canada has become the first nation to adopt a policy that reduces the rate at which carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are produced rather than the total amount produced. No reductions in overall emissions are required, but it is the government's hope that, coupled with other energy-efficiency initiatives and renewable fuel, the end result will be a one-fifth reduction of total emissions by 2020. Fair trade certification involves a worksite audit and a 10% fair trade premium. Good for business. The above-described organizations are just a few of the literally hundreds of nonprofit and for-profit organizations operating in the fair trade sector. Producers are also encouraged to strive toward organic certification. After studying this chapter, are you more likely or less likely to buy fair trade coffee? A friend of mine has really utilized the opportunity of fair trade. Submit, Fairtrade International Producers receive a fair wage when they are paid fairly for their products. What is Fairtrade? There are more than 12,500 products that carry the Fair Trade Certified seal. Youll be hearing from us soon! Canada has set a new course for dealing with climate change. 5. Fair Trade seeks to transform North/South relations by fostering ethical consumption, producer empowerment, and certified commodity sales. Now let us look more closely at the different operators in the fair trade supply chain, working backward from your local retailer all the way to the farm workers at the other end. We achieve this mission through our rigorous and globally recognized sustainable sourcing and certification model that improves lives, protects the environment, and builds resilient, transparent supply chains. The farmers are thus left with social projects of arguable utility rather than the higher cash prices for their crops that many of them might have preferred. The success of fair trade certification has spawned a number of similar certifications, of which the best known is the Rainforest Alliance, which certifies food products as grown in a sustainable fashion. In fact, there are many different kinds of fair trade organizations: international nonprofit organizations, regional nonprofit organizations, local nonprofit organizations that certify fair trade brands, local nonprofit organizations that certify fair trade farming and exporting cooperatives, and finally, both nonprofit and for-profit inspection organizations that visit the farming cooperatives to determine whether they meet the criteria to be certified as fair trade. When you see a product in a supermarket or store that is labeled fair trade, it indicates that the brand has sought and obtained certification from a national Fair Trade organization. Fair trade has so many advantages and has improved people's lives economically. The whole argument for emissions intensity is that it doesn't set a cap and allows for economic expansions while reducing the amount of emissions on a unit-produced basis, which is attractive to most industrial producers. There are a number of reports and investigations that indicate that fair trade inspections are unreliable. As part of our local fair trade evaluation, each Global Mamas workplace is evaluated to ensure it is safe and comfortable. Global Mamas also works to be transparent with our customers, including openness about who produces our products. Fairtrade changes the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions and a fairer deal for farmers and workers in developing countries. Fairtrade is the most recognized and trusted sustainability label in the world. If a coffee farmers cost of production is higher than he is able to obtain for his product, he will go out of business. Since then, great advancements have been made and while gender equality is now widely recognized as a human right, gender disparities remain a persistent form of inequality in every country. The cooperative has the responsibility of visiting the individual farms to make sure that they are complying with standards. Most fair trade certifiers and umbrella organizations are now members of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO; formerly IFAT). The new emissions intensity policy will require industrial companies in 2010 to have reduced their ratios of emissions by 18 percent below 2006 levels and an additional 2 percent per year through 2020. However, her potential partner has proposed a significant change to World Coffees operations: They would switch over to 100% fair trade coffee and tea. Many translated example sentences containing "fair trade approach" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. These organizations have a deep level of commitment to fair trade practices and maintain long term relationships with small producer organizations. This includes areas of natural water, virgin forest, and other important land areas and dealing with problems of erosion and waste management. International Womens Day is a global celebration of womens achievement and a call for collective action to accelerate gender parity. These organizations dont just buy and sell a few fair trade products; they integrate fair trade practices into everything they do. When you treat farmers and workers fairly, everyone benefits. P.O. Is there another way of achieving the objectives of improving the lives of developing-country farmers and producers than the Fair Trade approach? When you see a product with the Fair Trade Certified seal, you can trust that it was made according to rigorous social, environmental, and economic standards that protect the livelihoods of farmers, workers, fishers, and other producer communities. The principal characteristic of the integrated system, which was the original fair trade organisation approach, is the fact that all the businesses intervening in the creation and marketing of the product (producers, processors, importers and points of sale) voluntarily abide by fair trade principles. Recognizing that producers may not have access to the materials and capital they require to work, Global Mamas producers are provided with the raw materials needed for production in advance, so they dont have to invest their own capital. Global Mamas puts an emphasis on creating space for women to succeed as entrepreneurs and achieve financial independence. 4. An independent body, Scientific Certifications Systems, oversees the evaluation of CAFE products. For example: Women working in these sectors face a broad range of challenges including barriers to economic opportunity, harassment, discrimination, household responsibilities. The founder, Wendy Mueller, opened her first store in the trendy Tribeca neighborhood of Manhattan in 2004 and quickly attracted a devoted following due to its use of extremely high-quality coffee, which was complemented with a 100% organic product lineorganic milk and cream for the coffee and tea, organic sugar and honey as sweeteners, and pastries and baked goods made from 100% organic ingredients. Many Starbucks customers have come to believe that all of Starbuckss coffee is fair trade, while it actually only accounts for about 6% of Starbuckss coffee sales. Fair Trade USA recognizes gender equality and womens empowerment as core to its model and as essential for sustainable change and impact. Fair Trade USA takes a systematic approach to defining, measuring, and communicating the impact of our model. In 2017 we made the change to using all GOTS certified Fair Trade cotton for all of our textile goods. Proponents argue that a program with support from its participants has a stronger chance of achieving real change. The business owners who are a part of the Global Mamas network are independent business owners; they are encouraged to manage their businesses as they see fit and to seek clients outside of Global Mamas. Fair trade coffee is not necessarily organic. How can you be confident that a fair-trade item is also green? Because fair trade may benefit retailers more than suppliers, it actually adds to the problem by creating a false sense of philanthropy. Most fair trade craft products stem from cultures and traditions which are not represented in North American production. What this means in practice is that, some retailers, aware that a small percentage of affluent consumers is desirous of socially responsible products, will simply charge a very high premium for the fair trade products. More specifically, fair trade operates primarily as a certification system under which qualified producers (who follow certain environmental and labor standards) are guaranteed a minimum price for their production. What is Fair Trade? The recent rise of the "ethical" consumer hasn't just created a potential market for greener products; it's also created a potential market for new labels meant to show that those products have been vetted on your behalf. The flurry of trade deals with the UAE, Australia, and other countries indicates India's change in approach to "fair and equitable" pacts that benefit India as much as partner . To ensure the Theory of Change generates tangible results, Fair Trade USA has an Impact Management System (IMS) that monitors and evaluates each program. Fair Trade USAs Theory of Change and IMS work together to help all stakeholders deliver on their sustainable sourcing and environmental, social and governance commitments. In order to sell their coffee to fair trade exporting cooperatives, farmers must agree to limit their use of child labor, GMOs, herbicides, and pesticides. In 1989, theWorld Fair Trade Organization(formerly IFAT) was founded as a global network of committed fair trade organizations, aiming to improve the livelihoods of disadvantaged people through trade and to provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas. Its success depends on independent, successfully-run organizations and businessesnot on handouts. Instead, the farmers vote on how the premium is to be spent for their collective use. New approach. The business owners keep their own books and share them openly with Global Mamas for consultation. These products originate from over 60 countries and represent a broad range of industries and commoditiesfrom coffee, cocoa, produce, and dairy in agriculture, to fisheries and aquaculture, to factories producing apparel and home goods. Fair Trade: Conscious Consumerism Comes to Coffee. In particular, Fair Trade USA objected to the fact that FLO certification is inconsistent with regard to who can be considered a certified producer: With coffee products, certification is limited to cooperatives made up of independent farms, while with other products, like bananas and tea, workers on large farms can also receive certification. Investigation revealed, however, that the five percent figure merely reflected the price that Whole Foods paid its coffee unit. Fair trade has enabled him to buy at a cheaper price and therefore maximized his profit. The debate positions may be formulated as follows: World Coffee should move to 100% fair trade. The profits generated by such high prices are purely for the retailer alone. Are you a warrior for fairness? Fair trade products are more sustainable than conventional products. Bylers efforts became the foundation for Ten Thousand Villages, the first North American nonprofit organization devoted to connecting handicraft manufacturers in developing countries with developed-world commodity buyers. Bonner Talweg 177 Farming is the single largest employer in the world. Farmers are taught how to lobby large international organizations and demand fair prices for their labor, and children are encouragedsometimes requiredto go to school rather than to work. One reason for this approach is that FLO has registered Fairtrade as a trademark, which it then licenses only to those organizations that meet its standards. FTF members provide critical technical assistance and support such as market information, organizational development and training in financial management. It is a dirty, emissions-intensive process that has resulted in a tripling of emissions from Canada's gas and oil sector since 1990. Investing in Technology Advancements. Fair Trade USA directly contributes to addressing all three of these pathways and the fair trade model works to bring together actors to collectively drive change. The United States has a discourse on fair trade.. Payment levels vary based on the time and complexity in making the product as well as the level of quality the producer achieved. A fair trade relationship is a true partnership, allowing all to make a fair profit margin. A . Unlike many commercial importers who often wait 60-90 days before paying producers, FTF members ensure pre-payment so that producers have sufficient funds to cover raw materials and basic needs during production. Internally we also train our employees with the intention of promoting from within Global Mamas. Programs improving income-generating activities for women have been found to return $7 for every dollar spent. Most socially conscious consumers who are aware of fair trade simply assume that it signals that an item is somehow a good product, either for environmental reasons or because workers involved in production are well paid. Fair Trade USA takes a systematic approach to defining, measuring, and communicating the impact of our model. You will also see some products in the marketplace that carry a fair trade certification seal. The massive and continuing expansion of global free trade has been driven by consumers and manufacturers in developed nations. FTGS presence at Organic and Natural Expo 2017 Dubai. Traditionally, the fair-trade designation has been associated more closely with labor standards than environmental standards, suggesting that workers in far-off places are enjoying better wages and conditions than they would for producing products under conventional labels. In smallholder agricultural systems, when knowledge gaps between men and women are reduced via training for women, productivity can increase by as much as 131%. Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International, The amount of time, skill, and effort involved in production, Minimum and living wages where products are made, The purchasing power in a community or area, Other costs of living in the local context. 14. The four main areas on which the CAFE guidelines focused were economic accountability, social responsibility, product quality, and economic leadership. October 2, 2007. It's all about making trade fair. Global Mamas supports a safe and empowering working environment for producers. Generally, goods sold by FTF members cost the same or a few percent more than similar quality, conventional goods. 12. December 7, 2006. P.O Box 40514, Ras Al Khaimah Free Trade Zone, United Arab Emirates. By choosing Fairtrade, people can create change through their everyday actions. It is the cooperative that is guaranteed the minimum price maintained by the fair trade system. One group working to support farmers in developing countries is KickStart International. About Us,, accessed October 5, 2013, Want to work with us? Why do FTF members support cooperative workplaces? These are some popular myths about fair trade and the realities behind them. Cooperatives and producer associations provide a healthy alternative to large-scale manufacturing and sweatshop conditions, where unprotected workers earn below minimum wage and most of the profits flow to foreign investors and local elites who have little interest in ensuring the long term health of the communities in which they work. Most fair trade organizations, including Fair Trade USA and FLO, promote social and economic development projects in the farmers communities. But these concerns may be overstated: Fair-trade certification generally bans the use of virgin forest land, and there is little evidence that its small-scale adoption has caused any overproduction. Benefits of Fairtrade. Fairtrade International, accessed Nov. 25, 2014. people are living in extreme poverty worldwide, 1101 Vermont Ave NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005. Global Mamas is proud to be a full member of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), the global network and advocate of Fair Trade, and the Fair Trade Federation (FTF), the trade association that strengthens and promotes North American organizations committed to fair trade practices. But any product that's certified as fair trade must also meet a set of environmental standards determined by a group called Fair-Trade Labeling Organizations International. They also help deliver on the United Nations, FAIR TRADE USA is a 501(c)(3) | Tax ID: 41-1848081, Fair Trade USA and Education in Ivory Coast, Protecting the Planet and People with Fair Trade. A potential franchise partner from San Francisco, Blake Morton, has approached Wendy and is proposing opening an additional twenty to thirty stores in the western United States, especially in California, Oregon, and Washington. From the early days of lace and home decor, handmade items now include clothing, sports equipment, toys, and other items. Myth: Fair trade refers only to coffee and chocolate. However, many new inventions need financial help to get off the ground. By using Fairtrade's cost management tool all elements of labour costs can be considered, including taxes, deductions and some benefits. Through direct and long-term relationships, producers and fair trade organizations dialogue about consumer needs and create high quality products. 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